Two Simple Steps...& You Don't Even Need A Pair Of Ruby Slippers

Each year for the last several years this week before Thanksgiving, I rewrite a version of this post because I think it is so important. I hope that it speaks to your heart as well...

image from

Do you remember Glinda the Good Witch telling Dorothy at the end of The Wizard of Oz, that the power and magic she was seeking had indeed been inside of her all along? It was as true for Dorothy, as it is for each one of us. 

One super power we each possess-- but often forget to use-- is the practice of gratitude. 

We don't need any ruby slippers or magic wands (although that snazzy headdress/tiara thing Glinda wears is pretty darn spectacular...where can I get me one of those??). Nothing extra is required, because today's assignment is so simple you don't need anything that you don't already have. However, these simple steps give you the power to change everything.

Here are the two things you need to do:

1. Notice one thing in your home each day that you are grateful for...

My heater just came on as I am typing this. I am very grateful for heat on this cold morning. Also, I love the way the sun is shining through my office window. So pretty. Look around you with an open heart and notice all of the gifts that we can easily overlook as we all too often furrow our brow and wonder why our home doesn't look like the latest home style magazine. 

2. Write it down.  

This week leading up to Thanksgiving we have a wonderful opportunity to "see" things differently. Taking the next step of writing down that which we are grateful for helps us to really take in all of our blessings. Next Thursday you will have a concrete list of at least seven things (and I bet you will have many more than that) to read over and feel your heart swell with gratitude. You will be amazed at how much your house has changed in a week. You will see you had the power all along....

Extra Credit: Share this with a friend--Things are always more fun with a friend or partner, and knowing that you each are writing a gratitude journal will make it more likely that you will actually do it. Make plans to share your entries with one another on Thanksgiving--what a blessing!


Something Is Missing

Can you see what isn't in this lovely room? 

Not sure? It can be hard to see...

In this cozy den, my client knew she didn't want to change much, but she knew something was missing. The furniture was working well, the paint color was just as she liked it, and she did not want anything different or fussy on the windows.

So, what could still be needed to make the room feel finished?

Like the glue that holds something together, or the icing on top of a birthday cake, things just don't stick together or taste as sweet when that certain something is missing.

In our homes that is what I like to call the "top layer"--the finishing touches such as the right lighting, art, and other decorative elements--the stuff that pulls things together and makes a room come alive.

Here is the room now that we have added that top layer. Hooray!--

So what exactly is different? What elements did we add to pull everything together? 

We started by bringing in a new rug-- I wanted something that would add a softness to the sepia-toned palette--and we added a larger ottoman for extra comfort and more table space.

You may also notice that there are new tables with matching lamps flanking the chairs, giving more presence to the symmetry that was already there.

With such a lovely muted palette, texture becomes even more important. The smooth metal tables, rustic wood tray, the louvered screen in the corner all add interest...


The sparkle and style added by the new lighting can't be ignored, the artwork is placed to best show it off, a new armless chair gives a place to sit and  purpose to a corner.....and the beautiful grandmother clock moved from an adjacent room brings a stately bit of height and history to the space. A cozy room has become even more welcoming!


And to think many would believe the room is finished once the furniture is in place!

There is a whole other layer to be added to bring cohesion and beauty into our homes--so be sure to follow through on those final steps and add those little details that make all the difference. 

As always, a HUGE thank you to Laura Kicey for her amazing photographs of my work! 

"Is Your House Haunted??"

Because my house is so old (its original foundation dates back to 1778),
one of the most frequent things visitors say when they first see our house is: 

"Your house is over 200 years old?! You've gotta have some ghosts, right? Is your house haunted??"

Well sure, I love to tell the stories of the weird things we have seen and heard around our old farmhouse over the years. Ooooh! Like the night we arrived home to find the garage door fitfully going up and down and up and down all on its own, the overhead light flickering in the darkness! (Never mind that I was unknowingly sitting on the remote)... 

There are also all the creepy legends we heard from the neighborhood kids when we first moved in--like bright orbs floating in from the woods outback in the dead of night and menacingly hovering right outside the kitchen door! (If you come over for one of our bonfires, those stories are a must!)...

However, one of my favorite ones is The Tale of the Day That We First Toured the House  (insert evil laugh here).

Once Upon a Time, back in 1996, a young, innocent (ha!) couple came across the listing for an old house that had been on the market a few months--a fixer upper a little down on her luck. 

Nestled amongst a development built in the early 1980's, it was an unexpected find. And after they came across it, they drove past it frequently--mysteriously drawn to its seductive charms buried under gross siding painted three different colors.

It seems they were powerless to they ventured inside (well, with their realtor, on a scheduled showing. But still...details, details). 

It was dark inside. The bathrooms and kitchens were from a bygone era. Two of the three bedrooms were mysteriously cold (well, mostly because they didn't have any heat yet, but nevertheless....).

After they had cautiously walked through the rooms and examined every inch of the old structure, the most unexpected thing happened:

(haunting organ music swells)

They found themselves sitting in the living room, completely relaxed, visiting, talking, dreaming of their future there, and feeling as if they were already at home.

That's right. My favorite ghost story about our home is about its true "spirit:" --we instantly felt so welcomed and at ease inside of these old plaster walls, that we decided to make an offer on the place...and the rest is history. :)

I love to share this story because it shows how important it is to pay attention to your gut--our instincts are rarely wrong when it comes to finding our way home. 

Happy Halloween, dear friends! May your spirits be high and your home be welcoming! 🎃

Falling in love again...

A few weeks ago, as a last-minute surprise for my son's birthday, my cousin and her family piled into their car to come and stay with us for a fun overnight...

As they were driving south from Brooklyn, my husband and I quickly and quietly prepared for their arrival, trying not to give the secret away as we straightened up, filled the fridge, and got things in order. Our neglected house was showing the symptoms related to hectic work schedules, back to school demands, general exhaustion--and there were lots of loose ends that needed tending to.

A couple of hours later, as I stood downstairs, all dressed for our celebratory dinner out (the cousins waiting at the restaurant for the big surprise), I glanced around from room to room, making sure everything was in place for when we would arrive home later with the extended family.

With slanted evening light pouring through the windows, I admired the fresh flowers on the washstand, smiled to notice the few fun Halloween decorations here and there, and loved that each room looked welcoming and pulled together. It felt settled and balanced. 

These are the times when I fall in love with my house all over again. 

As I took it all in and felt how different each space felt from how it did a few short hours before, I realized how I had just been living in these rooms for weeks without really letting the rooms have any life to them--EVEN THOUGH THIS IS WHAT I DO FOR A LIVING, PEOPLE. 

Sheesh. Since I so needed the reminder to slow down and savor my home, I thought you might need it, too. 

Taking the time to savor and care for the blessing that is our homes is something that can nourish us deeply. 

Be sure to take just a little time and treat yourself to some simplicity and beauty this weekend:
Put a few things away.

Throw out some things that have been bugging you.

Buy yourself some flowers. I MEAN IT. 

Surrounding ourselves with order, beauty, and peace is a nurturing and kind thing to do, both for ourselves and those we love--some pretty important stuff, I think. 

AND you might just fall in love with your house all over again. :)


Revealing Redesign in San Francisco?!? YUP.

Yes, some pretty exciting stuff...

This week I am in San Francisco redesigning a room for a long-time client. WOW.

When I started Revealing Redesign 10 years ago, I had no idea that not only would it bring me so many amazing clients, but also afford me so many amazing experiences. Can't wait to tell you all about it!

In the meantime, I wanted to share an article with you that I came across this past week & have been thinking about ever since. Our lives and our homes really reflect what we pay attention to...and all too often we give our attention away (myself included) without realizing what it is costing us. 

Take a look at this piece written for Apartment Therapy by Alison Gerber. I know you will be glad you did!