Two Simple Steps...& You Don't Even Need A Pair Of Ruby Slippers

Each year for the last several years this week before Thanksgiving, I rewrite a version of this post because I think it is so important. I hope that it speaks to your heart as well...

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Do you remember Glinda the Good Witch telling Dorothy at the end of The Wizard of Oz, that the power and magic she was seeking had indeed been inside of her all along? It was as true for Dorothy, as it is for each one of us. 

One super power we each possess-- but often forget to use-- is the practice of gratitude. 

We don't need any ruby slippers or magic wands (although that snazzy headdress/tiara thing Glinda wears is pretty darn spectacular...where can I get me one of those??). Nothing extra is required, because today's assignment is so simple you don't need anything that you don't already have. However, these simple steps give you the power to change everything.

Here are the two things you need to do:

1. Notice one thing in your home each day that you are grateful for...

My heater just came on as I am typing this. I am very grateful for heat on this cold morning. Also, I love the way the sun is shining through my office window. So pretty. Look around you with an open heart and notice all of the gifts that we can easily overlook as we all too often furrow our brow and wonder why our home doesn't look like the latest home style magazine. 

2. Write it down.  

This week leading up to Thanksgiving we have a wonderful opportunity to "see" things differently. Taking the next step of writing down that which we are grateful for helps us to really take in all of our blessings. Next Thursday you will have a concrete list of at least seven things (and I bet you will have many more than that) to read over and feel your heart swell with gratitude. You will be amazed at how much your house has changed in a week. You will see you had the power all along....

Extra Credit: Share this with a friend--Things are always more fun with a friend or partner, and knowing that you each are writing a gratitude journal will make it more likely that you will actually do it. Make plans to share your entries with one another on Thanksgiving--what a blessing!