Take Blah and Make It Beautiful (A Quick BEFORE & AFTER!)
/I have to say, most rooms we find boring or drab are just this close to becoming WONDERFUL.
Take a look...
This is a guest room in my client's house, and it has worked perfectly well for her mother-in-law and other family members to come stay ...
But now that they are getting ready to sell their house, the room needs to impress a bit more. We wanted to wow future buyers--and not spend a lot of money doing so.
Take a look at the space now:
We reused existing draperies (rehung them wider to give the windows more presence), and found a blue comforter (that my client already had) to carry the blue color of the drapes on to the bed...
To give the room the pulled-together look I was after, I found accessories that would unify the space--inexpensive decorative pillows, pillow covers, and throw, beautiful plates to hang on the wall, a stylish lamp for the bedside...
However, the statement piece that really ties it all together, is the large-scale art we found to hang over the bed.
Working with mostly what we already had on hand, we recreated this space into a room that now has more presence, and will add more to my client's bottom line when they go to put their house on the market.
No more blah--just beautiful! :)