A Quick Before & After! (House Hunter's Edition :) )

It's kinda funny. For the past year or so, I have been helping one of my clients prepare her house to go on the market, one room at a time...

And now her husband isn't so sure he wants to move anymore. :)

SO, if you are thinking about how you can make your house more marketable (or even more irresistible to you each day!)--using things you mostly already have on hand--then today's article is FOR YOU! 

This month in her house, we focused on a guest room that had some good bones in place, but just needed a little bit of tweaking to really make the room come together...

It had a beautiful bedroom set that was my client's grandmother's, paint color and carpeting that were in good shape, and some window treatments that that complemented the existing color scheme of the room.

So take a look at the space now that we have made some tweaks: 

When you are creating a room that will make your buyers swoon...or even better yet, a room that makes YOUR heart swell each day when you see it, you want to create a feeling of balance, a little decorative drama, an overall look that feels pulled together, and include the creature comforts that make a room seem so cozy you can't wait to spend some time in it.

So how did we do that here? Can you see the things that have been changed? 

First, we rehung the existing curtains in a wider stance to give the windows more presence...

we removed one of the dressers that had been next to the bed so that the room could feel larger and so the bed could be centered featuring night stands and lamps on each side...

and we added texture and cohesiveness with new bedding, lighting, and artwork that pulled together the colors that were already in the room and really made them shine. 

The beautiful light from the new lamps, the fresh flowers, and the other decorative touches of soft pillows, a cozy throw and sparkly accents add the top layer of warmth and elegance that really complete the room. 

As my client said when we were all done, "I think I want to come here and be a guest in my own house now!" :)