Just In Case You Thought I Had It All Figured Out
/The funniest thing happened this morning...
As I was starting my day preparing to write to you, I was browsing the internet trying to get some inspiration.
I'll admit, I was feeling pretty low. A lot has happened over the past few months in my personal life, and as a result my house is in flux. I logically know that these two things always go hand-in-hand (life challenges=house challenges), but that doesn't make it any easier.
Due to some medical issues with my son, as well as some other changes in the life of our family, we moved my office to the attic space in our house a couple of weeks ago. It is a fabulous space, and I LOVE working up there. However, due to these transitions, there are several rooms that have been affected--they kind of look like someone turned them upside down and shook them. And my office itself remains unfinished, needing a couple more pieces of furniture, pictures to be hung on the wall, and just an overall sense of order (PLEASE).
In short, my house is driving me NUTS.
So, if you had the impression that Erin Cochran of Revealing Redesign had it all figured out (at least in the way of houses) ....uh, nope.
As I have learned all too well, in life there is no arrival, no grand epiphany that makes everything easy for forever and always...but rather an evolving that happens over time. At each new crossroads, we get to learn some lessons again in a new way, and our lives are better for it.
My house is going to be so freakin' awesome...soon. I just have to get through this in-between time, and embrace and engage in the messy process that is necessary for its rebirth.
SO, back to the funniest thing--while looking for ideas to help me and help you on this beautiful summer morning, Google offered me one of my own old blog articles.
HA! The universe has such a sense of humor.
It was something I really needed to read this morning, and I am wondering if it might be something you need to read today, too. You can find it here.
Blessings to you, dear friends! :)