But I Just Don't Feel Like It

There is always something around the house that needs doing…something that needs doing that we absolutely don't want to do. 

Not today.

Maybe tomorrow?

That's why this is our quick tip/homework assignment for this month! (Trust me. I don't want to do it either.)

Whether it is the dinner dishes sitting in the sink, a messy closet that needs attention, a pile of clothes waiting to find their way into the drawer, a stack of Christmas decorations that haven't yet been put into storage, or the dreaded mail pile sitting on the counter that needs to be sorted and tossed…its time has come! Like. Today. 

Like. Now.

It is okay if you don't want to do it. You can whine if you want to. But, as you are whining set your timer for 15 minutes and get started. I'll be doing it right along with you. 

Getting these pesky things out of the way one small step at at time makes our homes so much more nurturing and supportive…and that means a lot in terms of feeling peace and enjoyment each day. 

Remember, if you are longing to create less stress and clutter and more peace and beauty around your house, our upcoming (Dis)comforts of Home class is just the inspiration and help you need! Hope to see you there!