Cool Nights, Campfires, & Candlelight....

autumn evening a Fall is really here...and I think tonight I am even going to have to put the heat on in the house.  I know, I know very extreme, right?? I love the cooler evenings, and the low, moody sky. So many things to be grateful for, and so many exciting things to look forward to on the horizon!

After some difficult times personally, I am so grateful that things seem to be calming down and it feels so good. I am looking forward to finally getting the Halloween decorations out this afternoon after the kids get home from school. This weekend we are hosting a youth group campfire for the kids at our church. FUN! Can't wait to smell of smoke and have bits of bark and soot in my teeth from the S'mores I am not even kidding.

How about you? What are you up to these sweet, ever shorter days?? Much love and many blessings to you.