Inexpensive Inspiration

I have been meaning to spruce things up in my office, and it seems that Someone Else also felt I needed a nudge and some inspiration to keep me going. Swallows are an important symbol to me. Their beauty and grace are something that speaks deeply to my soul....and what did I find just recently when shopping for a project??

A beautiful book with swallow silhouettes on the cover...for $1, no less!!  I tucked it under my wing when I found it on a crowded shelf at my favorite consignment shop, brought it home, and continue to be delighted by it.

I put it on the library cabinet in my office right across from where I sit while working. I glance over at it all the time, and it makes me feel joyful.

Inside are even more beautiful images which I am tempted to frame. Lovely!

Do you have something in your workspace that inspires you?  Being surrounded by things that have meaning, things which speak to your soul, can have a far-reaching impact on your day-to-day joy and productivity.