Let's Flip Your House!

Ok, so maybe you don't want to move...

But you aren't really sure you want to STAY either? 


We all reach a point with our houses, from time to time, where we are DONE with them. (I have been there myself!) Like, get me outta here.

And this may be the perfect time to go through the motions as if (we are just pretending here) we are going to put the darn, disappointing thing on the market. 

How does this help??

Well, all of a sudden, we begin to look at our house through another person's eyes--a potential buyer's eyes--and we will see things a little bit differently. 

You know all those things you have been tolerating? All that chipped paint in your bedroom, the powder room toilet that has been running intermittently, the living room layout that has never felt quite right--

Those things will NEVER DO when that sign gets posted on the front lawn and the open house is scheduled for next Sunday!! 

It is time to polish this thing up and make it beautiful. It is time to get our game face on, carve some time out of our weekends, and make this happen. 

Because life is so busy, it is so easy to NOT put your home on project status, and just slowly become more and more disenchanted with it each year we knock around in it, watch it age, and continue to live with rooms that don't serve us. 

However, when it is  "Your Potential Buyer" that will be disappointed, suddenly the urgency and energy is there to make the most of things, pull rooms together, and make sure the spaces in our house are beautiful and welcoming...

So this FLIP really is a flip in our attention and intentions with our house. We are trying to impress someone else...and in the process, we may just impress ourselves, and fall in love with where we live all over again.

So, are you up for this challenge? 

It can be really simple things and inexpensive fixes that can make all the difference (as you can see here in this redesign I did earlier this year), so don't hesitate to take the next step! I have a few openings in my Redesign Program this summer, where we meet for a couple of sessions and make HUGE changes in how you feel about your house, and how your rooms function for you. 

Your house is too big of an investment to not love each day you spend in it. 

Here is where you can learn more about what the first step is if you are interested in taking this challenge with me this summer. 

I'm excited! Hope to see you soon!!


Every Now & Zen

We all have good habits that we need to take out and dust off from time to time, right? It may be a practice we have forgotten to employ for a while, and it is important to remind ourselves to get back to it every once in a while.

This is one of those things for me...

Having a ZEN SPACE...

Do you know what that is? 

Here's what I wrote about it a few years ago:

A while back,  during a conversation about the frustrations of house upkeep, a friend shared a practice she employs to help keep herself sane during the craziest of crazy times...

As she described it, there is one place in her home (I believe it was the top of her nightstand) which, through thick and thin, come hell or high water, is always a lesson in simplicity, is clear of dust and clutter, and has just a few of her very favorite things artfully arranged on it.  This is her Zen Space.  

While the rest of the household may be falling into disarray with the family's comings and goings, she knows she can sit on her bed, take a few breaths, look at her Zen Space, and find a little peace amid the cacophony of clutter and chaos. What a fantastic idea...

 SO, do you have a Zen Space of your own? I want to encourage you to create one if you don't.

In my house, our Zen Space is our dining room table--the first thing we see when we return home. Lately it has been a MESS...so it is time to reinstitute this habit, and lay down the law of ZEN. :)

Where in your house can YOU create a Zen Space?

First, pick a small surface that is easy to keep cleared & dusted.

Second, make sure that only a few special things are on it--maybe a special picture and some fresh flowers--nothing else allowed. 

This uncomplicated, peaceful spot will be a gift to you when things are feeling out of whack and out of control around you house. At those difficult times, focus on this one clean, clear spot that is well within your control, and take a couple of deep breaths. So important and so helpful.