A little blue tape, and a big new vision...

When making decisions about a room, it is always best to help yourself "see" things as best you can. 

This photo is of a client's fireplace a few weeks ago, when we were creating a whole new look for the room. Victor Burgos, the contractor I work with all the time, was kind enough to create a "mock up" of the proposed design, outlining the dimensions of all the major elements for this very important focal point.  (I can't wait to show you how the room looks now! It will be ready to be photographed in the next few weeks. :) )

As a lot of you know, I never go anywhere without my blue painter's tape in hand! It is an essential tool to see just how the footprint of a piece of furniture will sit in a room, or how big a design element will really feel in an actual space. Indispensable. 

Don't be afraid to try all different kinds of tricks as you are working on a project like this. Move furniture around, make sure you look at colors and swatches IN THE ROOM ITSELF (not only in the store), take a gander at all different times of day to see how things may appear different in different light levels, pull up pictures of the items you are thinking of adding while standing in the space to ensure it visually makes sense to you with the other things you have in the room...

And make sure through all of this you are taking a step back to gain some perspective. Looking at the whole room at once from different angles is key in helping to figure out what works and what doesn't. 

Now go do it! With these tips to help you see more clearly, go make some fun changes, create a new vision, and enjoy your home all the more! :)


Can you please answer this one question for me?

Almost exactly three years ago today I was feeling a little scared, feeling a bit uncomfortable, and I wasn't at all sure that I was making the right decision...but I kept putting one foot in front of the other, day after day. 

We are just one week into a new year, a time when many people long to make a fresh start, to make big changes, to feel the thrill of possibility.  Maybe you are feeling the need to change something? Try something new? 

In 2013 the new challenge I was stepping into was a business mentoring/coaching program --something that changed me in such a meaningful way, made me a better designer so I could better serve my clients, and connected me to caring, inspiring people whom I am sure will be dear friends for the rest of my life. 

One of the most important things I learned during that year of growth was to ask myself a very simple question when I came upon something that seemed like a roadblock or a limitation (which happens a lot when you are really stretching yourself).  For example, if in 2016 you are thinking of changing jobs, getting the pet hamster you have been dreaming of, embarking on a home renovation (my personal favorite! :), or some other life-altering undertaking, you may find yourself saying limiting things like:

I don't have time for this!

That is too expensive.

That will never work for me.

I'm too old for this kind of craziness!

I can't stand cleaning up hamster poop.

This negativity will happen. You know it will. SO this is the time when you simply step back and ask yourself this question: 

What if it were possible....?

and you then fill in the blank :

"What if it were possible that I could easily find the time/money I needed to accomplish this?"

"What if it were possible that I am at the perfect age and time of my life for this to happen? "

"What if it were possible that I could toilet train my new pet hamster?"

I mean, who's to say it isn't??

It isn't important to answer this question, just to ask it. Write down your question and leave it somewhere where you will see it often. Read it out loud. Allow yourself to ponder the possibility. :)

May the year ahead be one in which we all stretch and grow, dream big and keep putting one foot in front of the other. And as we go along, let's keep asking ourselves and those we love this question that is so full of possibility:

What if it were possible...?

Holiday Party At My House!

After 9 years in business with so many renovations beautifully done, so many rooms revitalized, so much for me to be grateful for....


To thank my clients for the opportunity to re-envision & recreate their homes --making it possible for me to do what I truly LOVE day in and day out--I invited them to my cozy farmhouse for a fun night of holiday frivolity.



Here's a glimpse into all the evening's events.

South American inspired food & cocktails, salsa music (featuring my husband's band De Tierra Caliente) paired with salsa dancing lessons--we all just had too much fun. 

Hope to see you here next year! :)

(beautiful photos taken by the wonderful Johanna Austin)

A Case of the Christmas Crazies

As I have been busy helping clients get their houses ready for the holidays, and scurrying around getting my own home pulled together for the Revealing Redesign Holiday party that was last weekend (can't WAIT to show you the pictures of that soon!), I have been thinking about how easily we can make ourselves absolutely nuts at this time of year. 

It is really easy to do--in fact, there are three simple steps to Christmas Craziness & you probably already know what they are. Maybe you already DO them each year! 

Here they are:

First,  indiscriminately get tons of stuff out.

Second, put none of your other stuff away.

Third, pretend that all that stuff makes you feel happy, peaceful, and festive.

I am really scrutinizing each thing I am getting out of those red and green boxes this year and making sure that I truly love each item. It is too easy to get out all of the same decorations year after year, just by force of habit, and never take a step back to get some perspective on what it looks like, whether or not we like it anymore, or how it truly makes us feel.

Having extra stuff around is stressful, so take advantage of the empty Christmas boxes, and put some of your normal decor items away for the next six weeks. It will be like seeing an old friend again when the time comes to pack up all the Santa stuff.

Lastly, the point of all of this shuffling about is to make an outward sign in our homes that this time of the year is different. For those of us who are Christians, we are waiting for, and then celebrating Jesus' birth. For those of us who celebrate a more secular holiday, it is a special, festive time that is meant to be about being joyful and enjoying our family and friends. Make sure that your home puts you in a peaceful state, that you can put your feet up and enjoy the warmth of the fire or watch the candles glow. Be sure you don't feel crowded, cramped, or encumbered by that extra Christmas pillow on the couch that Aunt Judy gave you ten years ago that you never really liked anyway.

What can YOU do differently this year to make it a more meaningful and peaceful holiday?

All the best to you and those you love for a wonderful, happy holiday season!

Holiday Help: How To Trim Your Tree

The holidays are upon us! 

And since many of you told me how helpful this article was to you last year, I thought it would be good to put it up again to remind us all of the basics of tree trimming.

 Happy decorating!! :)

Just this week someone asked me the darndest question:

"Can you tell me how to decorate my Christmas tree?"

This time of year, a lot of us are bundling up in our mittens and hats to go pick our tree, while others of us may be hauling an artificial one out of the basement…but what I didn't realize is that many of us never really feel all that satisfied with the way it looks once we have it all trimmed. 

Well, that's not good!

SO, I thought it would be fun this week to share some tips and tricks that I use when decorating my own tree as well as my clients' trees that can really help this centerpiece of our holiday decorations to look dazzling and magical. :) So here goes: 

  1. Be Bright-- the first and most important thing you are going to add to your tree is lights, and lots of them. The formula I most often hear for properly lighting your tree is to use approximately 100 lights per each vertical foot of the tree.  I know this sounds like a lot of lights, but once you see the difference this makes, you will never go back to a mere two or three strands sparsely sprinkled on the branches! The reason the number of lights is so important is because the glow and sparkle they give is really what makes the tree come alive visually, and gives it that magical twinkle that literally lights up a room. This year, add more lights. Really. It is a game changer. 
  2. Be Consistent--In order for your tree to have visual impact, you need to have elements on it that make it look cohesive and consistent. Usually the best way to do this is to use garland and/or ribbon as well as matching glass balls or other large ornaments all over the tree that are all of the same color scheme. Trees that don't have this grounding element can look chaotic, with each ornament different from the next, and nothing pulling the whole thing together visually. Once you have these foundational elements in place, you can comfortably go on to the next step where you can then add a little of the sentimental chaos….:)
  3. Be Sentimental--The part of our tree that makes it so meaningful are the ornaments that we have collected over the years that are significant to us. To be honest, these are NOT the things that will most likely give your tree the "wow" factor…but they are, after all,  what we love about Christmas! After you have completed step two where you have given your tree an overall balance and color scheme, the sentimental ornaments should be sprinkled throughout the limbs, between the colored balls and garland, completing the look of your tree!

I hope that these few ideas help you to feel more confident as you deck the halls this year-- AND I hope this year you are able to step back and smile with pride as you look at your gorgeous, glowing, glittering tree!